Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Many people say they think Tallon and Tess "look alike"- I could not disagree more. I think they both distinctly have their own characteristics..... take a look

Tallon- newborn
Tess- newborn
Tallon- 2 weeks old
Tess- 2 weeks old
Tess- 3 weeks old
Tallon- 7 weeks old

Tallon- 4 months old

Tess- 4 months old
now that I am looking at the pics- maybe I do see some similarity in their faces but I still think they def do not look identical at all! but I do know FOR SURE that they came from the same 2 people=) What a blessing God has bestowed upon us- the privelage of raising these 2 precious cuties!


We had a wonderful Easter weekend! how Thankful I am that my God is ALIVE. He is not dead, the stone was rolled away and he is Alive. I bought Tallon a sticker ( 200 plus sticker) book telling the story of Jesus' death and resurrection and we enjoyed putting the different stickers of Mary, Judas, the priest, soldiers and the cross and stone on the pages and reading the story together. I am amazed at how much a 3 yr old can comprehend. I pray that he will soon realize the depth of Christ's love for him and the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross for his sin so that He too can have eternal life.

Tallon spent all day Friday with Mimi and Pop while I cleaned our home and carried Tess to Dr. Ben for her 4 month check-up. He had a blast- The dyed Easter Eggs, made Easter sugar cookies ( surprise, surprise- Tallon LOVES the sugar cookie dough..... just like his mommy!!) and enjoyed a beautiful warm spring day playing outside! Thanks for keeping Tallon so I could have a clean home ( for a few hrs anyways!)
Tallon rigged up the jeep to pull his friends- Elmo and a few other stuffed animals around the yard. Mom and Dad said he kept trying to put Elmo in the drivers seat and see if he could make Elmo push the gas so that he ( Tallon) could ride behind the jeep- Silly Boy!

Saturday- we had a Easter Egg Hunt at our Church. Over 2000 eggs were stuffed with stickers, toys and candy and hidden across the lawn. The kids enjoyed making a fun craft ( the made an Easter Lily with their handprint) and a beautiful narration of the Easter story and Gospel message was shared by Tallon's Favorite Sunday School Teachers- Mr John and Mrs. Colleen. I don't have any pictures but am hoping that once Aunt Aron posts hers- I will "steal" a few for my blog=) Sat afternoon my parents came over and helped Reeves paint my living/dining room and our kitchen- can I tell you how AWESOME those rooms look now- I LOVE the colors and am so pleased with how they turned out!

Sunday- we actually made it to the Easter Sunrise Service- I remember always going to this with my family growing up and although our kids are young- it is something I want to do with them. I so want them to realize what Easter is really about and want that to be our main focus. The Easter Bunny did not make an appearance at our house this year ( Tal had already been to 3 Easter egg hunts so we decided he had plenty of candy already!) We had a delicious lunch at Linda and Fred's home and enjoyed hanging out with Reeves' family and our close friends- the Elders that afternoon.

We attempted to get a family picture at church- it was actually quite comical looking over the pictures- as soon as Tess is looking at camera- Tal isn't... oh well..... There is ALWAYS Uncle Collin right down the road ( and for that I am extremely grateful- I think one day soon when I have everyone dressed up I will just head on down to his place)
Mimi made Tess's dress and bonnet- the dress had her monogram- I just LOVED it!

We attempted to get a few pictures before Church Sunday morning.... Tallon was not into having his picture taken with mommy and Tess at all......
Mommy even agreed the ballon could be in the picture but he still refused to look at camera and smile.....
so I told Reeves to just take some and than said here- let's get one of you and Tess together and what does my son do- he says " I want a picture with Daddy and Tess" and nicely stands near daddy and smiles!

I LOVE YOU Tallon- even if you did not want to be in a picture with your mother!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pictures from March

Check out Mr Tal and his Gun Holster ( although I think that on this particular day he was calling it his "tool belt"!
I love this hat on Tess!
I just discovered that a lot of my pictures are of Tess in her carseat- I promise that she does spend LOTS of time out of the carseat- I guess it is just easier to grab the camera once I have everyone loaded up and ready to head out!
Talk about exhausting days.....

Tallon is still CRAZY about his sister- he just LOVES her!
We are seeing this sweet smiley face more and more these days.....

1 last burp before night-night time.... sweet dreams sweetheart!
Watch Out- It's Captain Tallon.....
Tal can often be found with some sort of sword, stick, gun or holster attached to him- he loves to pretend and is quite imaginative as he drives his jeep or bike all over the yard- off to fight the bad guys or pretending to be a pirate- he def has his "ARGH" down ( if only I could figure out how to get the blog to show videos!)
Hanging out with Daddy in Tess' s room!
3 months- rolling over.... no more swaddling for bedtime....

We spent the afternoon at Nana and Papa's house 1 day and than stayed for Papa's specialty- Fried Catfish.....
Tal helped Nana make a lemon pie!Mimi and her "girl"!
Pop and Tess

4 Months Old

Tess turned 4 months old on April 3rd. She weighed a whopping 14 lbs and received a clean bill of health plus a few shots from one of our favorite Dr's- Dr. Ben! She still rolls over from her front to back occasionally and has started to enjoy playing with toys and spending time in her exersaucer. She often looks for Tallon and follows him as he runs around the house or yard. The weather has been beautiful so we have been going on lots of walks to the park down the street while big brother rides his bike!

Cousin Picture!